
Everyone has a different definition of self, and that is why we can only be the best at being ourselves…


Boohoo top | Little Gracie skirt | ASOS heels
Photos: Ryan Ammon

20160816-monbon-753820160816-monbon-7575It is a topic that has come up a lot for me this week – being unashamedly you.

On Monday morning, just after I had had a vent to my girlfriends (and co-founders of Fit Club Perth) about how I felt there was a disconnect between the content that the general public want to see and the content that I want to produce, I paid a visit to The Modern Day Hippie. One and a half blissful, relaxing, healing and reaffirming hours later (and with a few positive Facebook messages from the girls and mumma V-ron), and that feeling of disconnection had dissipated. My momentary doubt, and loss of self, had thankfully been shaken.


Unfortunately, it is all to easy to lose our focus, get confused, and start to doubt ourselves. Between all of the people who believe they are experts on your life and your choices (even if all they hold is a bachelors degree in keyboard warrior, from the university of couch), trends dictating what is popular and what is not, some magical number of followers on social media that supposedly defines your success as a business (be it a blog, brand or company), and the abundance of instafamous babes with a seemingly perfect physique and life, it is no wonder we struggle to define ourselves, and stay strong and true to that definition of self.

The truth is, no matter how much we try to emulate what it is that we think people want to see, we can really only be the best at being ourselves.

Even if we try to be more like the people we follow on Instagram, do the things that we think other people want to see from us/expect of us, or wear more of what is currently defined as cool, you can’t escape the real you. Nothing is more obvious than someone who is trying to be something that they are not. Why? I will say it again – you can only be the best version of you, not anyone else.

So, in the moments of doubt and questioning, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and remember what your intentions are. If you want to inspire people to live life to the fullest, don’t let anyone tell you that you have your priorities in the wrong place. Maybe you would prefer to sit down to a bottle of wine than a plateful of Kale or an organic pressed juice – great, you enjoy yourself! If you are a goofball who just wants to make people smile, do just that. Who cares what anyone else might think because, chances are, if you are just being the real, natural you, this is the ‘you’ people will love the most. You might not have 300 friends to see over the weekend, get 1500 likes on your Instagram photos, or look super on-trend in your latest high street purchases, but I can guarantee you that you will be 100x happier than if you did, but were hiding the real you.


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  • Josephine8 years ago

    I’m really encouraged by this post, since right now I feel as though I’m in a patch of doubting my individuality and I see that I’ve entered into a mindset of being the kind of person that others will like, even if it means putting a damper on some of my personality. Thank you for a lovely, motivational post and you look absolutely gorgeous in that outfit!

    • Little Miss Mon Bon8 years ago

      Oh Josephine – I am so glad you found this motivational! I hope you can start to bring back little bits of your personality that you miss (even if it is just popping on some lipstick every now and then) because you are unique and that should be celebrated lady!

  • Meg8 years ago

    Love this! I always have doubts when I compare myself to others. If I concentrate on myself and not focus on worrying about what other people are doing then I always feel better!

  • LAURA X LOVES8 years ago

    This is so relevant for me right now! Its so hard not to compare yourself to others at times…. but once we start focusing on ourselves we slowly become more comfortable just being us:) And amazing things happen 🙂

    P.S I love your skirt!!!!



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