Just a few of the things that I am loving right now, and some of the things I would rather not have to comprehend or deal with…


Wednesdays Project twin set from Asha Boutique | Vintage head scarf


I would start this post off with another apology, but

a) I am over apologising for absences and

b) I think the following conversation will fully explain why I have been AWOL yet again…

Changing up my weekend routine

Humans are creatures of habit, and after spending the last 10 years in Perth, I have definitely found myself settling in to a routine. When I am at home, I find comfort in doing the same things on the same days. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, I do tend to get agitated at the thought of not extending or challenging myself with something new. That feeling extends as far as my career, and affects things as small as what I get up to on the weekend.

Lately I have actively been trying to shake up my weekend routine and find interesting things to do around my home town. Recently I signed up to have the top attractions in Perth sent to me by Groupon, and so far I have made quite the list of things to get out and do. From food and wine tasting tours to barefoot bowls, ice skating or rock climbing – there are so many different fun activities to get myself stuck in to.


I have been on a few throughout March, April and May, and now I am well and truly hooked (I promise there will be some blog posts coming soon). Seriously, I am LOVING them. I had forgotten how much fun it was to pile into the car, select out your favourite play list and drive. It is amazing to get out and see more of WA by car; even more so to stop in at the teeny tiny little outback towns that still only have one old school fuel pump, or a general-store-slash-mechanics-slash-dry-cleaners.

You do have to make sure you are doing it in good company though. If you are going to be sat in a car for upwards of 3 hours, you want to make sure you have selected the right people to do it with

Nesting (no, I am not pregnant)

Travelling is the best past time in the world, but coming home is such a sweet feeling. It is even nicer to come home to a home that I am comfortable in being in. For many years I moved around share-houses and never really made anywhere home. But, after being where I am for over 2 years now, I have really started making an effort to get it to feel more like home. That means stocking up on indoor plants, buying new throw rugs, buying a new vacuum cleaner… all of the adult, homely things.

Apparently I am at the age where you start doing this sort of stuff and getting overly excited about it. I am that weird person that gets so much joy out of flicking through the newspaper to look at all the display homes, or hitting up sites like Vision One Homes just to geek out over home floor plans (and getting ideas for my one day one day home). This idea of ‘home’ is really starting to mean more to me!

p.s. does anyone else love looking at the floor plans of houses or is it just me??

Saying goodbyes

I don’t know where to even start with this. Saying goodbye to loved ones is never easy, but having said goodbye to 4 of them since last September has made the whole process harder than it should be. Just this past week I have had to say goodbye to 2 family members and attend 2 funerals. Honestly, you wouldn’t read about the week we have had. It is such crappy luck to have 2 funerals so close together, but that is life I guess! Hopefully these 2 are the last 2 funerals I have to attend for a while now!

Late sunrises and early sunsets

It just feels so darn weird to be finishing up a work day at 5.00pm and it almost being pitch black already. And let’s not even start with how hard it is to get out of bed before 7.00am at the moment. I was getting up at 5.30am without problem just a month or so ago, but that has all gone out the window now. When the sun is barely up and the temperature has barely reached liveable**, all I want is to be in bed; not tackling the day head first. I don’t know how the Nordic countries do this ‘4 hours of daylight in winter’ thing they do…

** may be slightly melodramatic. I realise us West Australians are terrible at cooler weather.

The cancellation of Brooklyn 99

What a rollercoaster week of emotions it was. On top of the funerals, there was the news of Brooklyn 99 being cancelled at the end of season 5. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. No doubt, no doubt, no doubt. Fox just did the dumbest thing they could have ever done.

I have not met one person who doesn’t love the 99. It is the ultimate hangover/down in the dumps series, and I swear that you pick up something new and hilarious every time you re-watch it (so far I have re-watched it a stupid number of times and it still makes me laugh every time). But not all is lost… thank God for NBC. Thank God for the NBC for saving the show, and for seeing what everyone else sees in the 99!

 ** In collaboration with Vision One Homes and Groupon. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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  • Jenelle6 years ago

    Hahaha yes that whole Brooklyn 99 thing really toyed with our emotions! Glad that someone picked it up. Sorry to hear about yet another loss. I am still having teary moments and phone calls from losing my Nana. We went to another funeral recently for a friend, that was so hard, she was so young. You’d have liked her. It really puts life into perspective. Love these beachy, happy photos Mon.
    xx Jenelle

  • notjessfashion16 years ago

    Such a sweet read dear, and I couldn’t agree more. I love to travel, and I actually travel a lot. But when I’m not on a vacation or business trip, I’d rather stay at home, and spend quality with my family, especially with my two kids. Anyway, this is such a cute photo shoot dear! Lovely photos.

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com


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